Courage and/or Fear

What is something that you have wanted to do in your creative work but have not had the courage to start?

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves to be seen” - Brene’Brown

Most creative work begins with a dictionary filled with words, a stash of materials, a mix of musical notes, and a pile of emotions. Somehow all of it has to come together to make something that has never existed before.  That can be scary because it has to come from you; therefore you will have to show the world who you are. But, showing up is half the battle when it comes to creative work.  If you can show up and just put a mark on a page then maybe you can move forward and make another. 

“Inspiration does exist but it must find you working”- Pablo Picasso

I’m not a fan of Picasso as a person, however this quote I do believe to be true.  Sometimes you just don’t have an inspirational idea.  Not all art starts with the next big beautiful idea.  If you just sit down and get to work, or maybe the better word is play, the idea and inspiration will begin to form. If you don’t put the fear of failure to the side, the possibilities will never arrive.  Prompts have helped me to get working and that is why I start my newsletter with two opposing ideas.  It helps me create an image and it helps me write this blog.  It’s a starting point that gets me to show up.

Creating “Courage” from the crow series. 8”x8” acrylic on paper

“Courage is resistance to fear, not absence of fear” - Mark Twain 

My true fear is not having a deep enough idea to matter to others.  I look at my artist friends and I am so completely in awe of their passion for creating a message, taking action politically or socially, and creating commentary in reaction to their world.  I look at my work and it makes me feel good to create it. I enjoy the subject matter, it is tied to my emotional state, and feelings about place and time.  Is that enough?  How will others view my work?  What do I have to offer?  I’ll never really know or find that deeper meaning if I don’t show up and make the work.  I decided I need to have the courage to keep going and let the deeper meaning show up for me when I am ready to receive it.  

“The amateur believes he must first overcome his fear; then he can do his work. The professional knows that fear can never be overcome. He knows there is no such thing as a fearless warrior or a dread-free artist” - Steven Pressfield

Do you have the courage to show up, receive inspiration when you are ready, and let yourself be seen regardless of the fear?  

Thank you for being part of my journey.

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Fluid or Fixed


How does color influence your work?