Sharon L. Ciccone Art

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What are you doing to grow as an artist?

Growth or Decay

I have always looked upon decay as being just as wonderful and rich an expression of life as growth. - Author: Henry Miller

For years I’ve allowed decay to creep into my life. That may be a little dramatic, but I’ve put my personal art to the side for so long that I feel like I am starting at the beginning again. The beauty of starting at the beginning is that I now know I can only move forward and improve. That decay has created a rich soil of excitement and motivation that will nurture my visual voice.

I haven’t been stagnant for the last 28 years of my life. I’ve been focused on developing the growth of my students and my own professional learning. Educating elementary students has enriched my life beyond measure. Teaching has allowed me to serve in leadership positions within my district and the NY State Art teachers Association and find a community of artists and art educators. Now, as I approach retirement, it’s time to look at the next chapter of my life and the art I’d like to make.

What am I doing to grow as an artist? Experimenting.

I’d forgotten what made me happy - the subjects, the materials, and the tools. I had to get to work! I started a project of 100 works of art. I did not have a plan other than to start 100 pieces on paper and to use acrylic paint. I spent one day cutting paper into 10” x 10” squares. I decided to work on 10 at a time. For each painting session, I chose a limited palette of color and just started making marks that felt good without having an outcome in mind. Sometimes, I taped the squares together and painted across all the papers, turned them ¼ turn, or created a rule or restriction for myself. Each series is unique.

Two years later, I am still working on my 100, after all, they were just a start. I go back to the series when inspiration arises or an idea begins to bubble up within me. I have no idea when they will all be completed; I am still growing and maturing as an artist. Who knows, someday I may paint over all 100, starting fresh and new. The point of the project was to get working, experiment, and try to find my visual voice again. I think I am on my way. You can visit my website and see all 100 works in progress.

I would love to know what you are doing to grow as an artist or if like me, you are overcoming the decay that has crept into your life.

Thank you for being part of my journey.

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