What could you release from your life that will allow you to replenish your artist's soul?

Replenish or Release

“Rest and self care are so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”-Eleanor Brownn

As summer starts to come into view, I’ve been taking some time to think about how I can fill my vessel and replenish my vitality.  As an art educator teaching 650 students a week, I often feel depleted of energy.  I find it difficult to exercise after running around all day and traveling between two buildings.  Cooking dinner becomes about what is simple and quick, although I have been able to keep the meals healthy.  Sleep comes early, but restless.  Does this all sound familiar?

“Do you ever feel like you are running on empty? What is missing from your life? What would it take to plug the holes and stop the energy drains? When you see, feel, or think about lack, scarcity, or emptiness, seek ways to fill the holes, replenish and return to a state of abundance and fulfillment.”Susan C. Young

A year ago I made a commitment to myself.  I decided that I would arrive at work early, but I would leave every day as soon as school was released.  I often eat lunch while I’m preparing the materials for my classes, and I spend very little time with my colleagues.  However, this trade-off allows space in my day for my own artmaking practice.  I have committed myself to work daily, even if it is just 45 minutes before I cook dinner.  I give myself time to do something. Is there a little bit of time that you can give yourself each day?

I am blessed to have a career that is about teaching art. Art surrounds me all day long. Listening to five to eleven year olds talk about the art that they’re making is definitely inspiring and funny all at the same time. Sometimes though I need adult conversation. Each morning while I am readying myself for the day, I turn on an art podcast and listen to the wisdom and insights from other artists. When I turn on my car their voices continue. It keeps my mind active and contemplative. I get excited and inspired to work more each day. What do you do to keep yourself inspired and in the zone of learning?

While I work on my own art, the podcasts go off and the music starts.  Depending on the mood, it might be my love of all things from the 80’s.  Sometimes I am in the mood for something soft and mellow and sometimes fast and funky, it all depends on the feeling of the work.  Quiet creates more introspection, especially if I am concentrating on what needs to be improved or changed in the work.  What are you doing to keep your energy flowing and your emotions in check?

“Nothing releases like forgive.  Nothing renews like forget.”― Ray A. Davis

The one thing I need to let go of is the guilt of time lost.  I spent years focussed on my profession and that’s what I needed to do at that time.  Each season of our life requires our attention in different ways.  I need to forgive myself for letting my art practice wane and forget the time that passed.  If I want to renew I just need to plan for the future.  Use the season of summer to refill my bucket, plan art field trips just for myself, plan a new series of work that is inspired by the season.  I hope to walk more, meditate more, stretch more.  Time is a gift.  What will summer bring for you?  What can you let go of for now? How can you fulfill what your artist's spirit is craving?

What could you release from your life that will allow you to replenish your artist's soul?

Thank you for being part of my journey.


How does color influence your work?


Why does the idea your building upon matter?