What are you doing to germinate the seeds of discovery?

Germination or Deterioration

“There is a seed inside of every tree and a tree inside of every seed.”

Matshona Dhliwayo

After laying dormant for so many years, I had to start sending out shoots to find the well that would restore my creative spirit.  If you read my article in the New York State Art Teachers Association Winter Newsletter, you would already know that I found a “circle of artists”.  Not only were the members of my circle art educators and artists, they were friends who I highly regarded as creatives.  They were the seed that helped grow my confidence and desire to keep germinating my skills.

Little did I know that I had a tree inside of me waiting to spring forth.  I will never forget sharing some of my initial work.  I was so timid and embarrassed about what others might think.  These are the thoughts that can deteriorate the spirit.  Fear of criticism or fear of being discovered a “fraud'' will shrivel any growth as an artist.  We can only start where we are at the moment.  Every artist had a beginning and it was hard work and determination that helped them see the light of day.

I decided I wanted to experiment with hand painted wet strength tissue paper to create transparent layers- “what if?” moment.

Instead of worrying about my ego, the only thing I could do was take the advice from my circle and branch out in multiple directions.  I needed to find my own voice through play.  Is there any other way?  Every path leads to a new one, sometimes I followed the path, sometimes I diverted.  The most important thing to remember is that my art is unique; it is germinated deep in my soul.  I can let that spark deteriorate or let it take hold.

I would love to know how you are germinating the seeds of discovery?


Where do you go to find new ideas or gather inspiration? How can you expand to bring together information from even more sources?


What are you doing to grow as an artist?