Using Shapes from Nature in Your Artwork

Opening and/or Boundary

Consider exploring the boundaries and openings of shape and how it is represented in nature. The shapes found in nature offer numerous lessons and insights that go beyond their visual appeal. Nature presents a diverse array of shapes, each influenced by various factors such as environmental conditions, growth patterns, and evolutionary adaptations.

Opening: Openings symbolize fresh starts and new beginnings. They represent opportunities for growth, transformation, and the emergence of something novel and promising, reminding us that transitions can lead to profound personal or environmental transformations. Transition points, mark the threshold between different states or phases. Nature's openings are like windows into unseen worlds, revealing hidden beauty and secrets. They symbolize moments of discovery, enlightenment, and the unveiling of hidden truths.

Boundary: Boundaries in nature highlight the interconnectedness of all living beings. They signify the interdependence among species, ecosystems, and the environment, emphasizing the need for cooperation and mutual support. Boundaries delineate the cyclical nature of life. They mark the transition between seasons, the ebb and flow of tides, and the continuous cycle of birth, growth, death, and renewal.

Openings in nature are invitations to exploration and discovery, often revealing beauty and fostering life in unexpected ways:

  • Canyons and Gorges: These openings in the earth's surface expose layers of history and create dramatic landscapes that showcase the power of erosion.

  • Caves and Caverns: Nature's hidden chambers, formed by geological processes, offer a glimpse into a mysterious underworld. These openings often shelter unique ecosystems, ancient formations, and sometimes, artifacts of the past.

  • Tree Canopies: Openings in the foliage create pockets of sunlight, nurturing a diversity of life on the forest floor while allowing glimpses of the sky above.

  • Waterfalls: Where rivers cascade over rocky cliffs, openings in the water's flow create mesmerizing displays of motion and sound and nourishment.

  • Volcanic Vents: Openings in the Earth's crust through which molten lava emerges, forming new land and releasing gases, reminding us of the planet's constant geological transformations.

  • Animal Burrows and Nests: Nature's architects create openings as shelters and homes, burrowing into the earth or crafting nests in trees, offering a glimpse into the intricate lives of various species.

  • Fissures and Fjords: These long, narrow openings in the Earth's surface, whether formed by tectonic shifts or glacial erosion, showcase the incredible forces shaping our planet's surface over vast periods.

  • Glades and Meadows: Within dense forests, these open spaces burst with life, showcasing vibrant wildflowers, grasses, and diverse wildlife, offering a serene contrast to the surrounding woods.

  • Lakes and Ponds: Natural depressions in the landscape fill with water, creating serene openings amidst the land, nurturing unique aquatic ecosystems and serving as gathering places for various species.

  • Breaches in Coral Reefs: Openings within the delicate structures of coral reefs provide passages for marine life, allowing the ebb and flow of tides and fostering biodiversity within these underwater worlds.

  • Sunrise and Sunset: The sky transforms, revealing a breathtaking opening where the day meets the night.

  • Flower Blossoms: Petals unfurl open to greet the sun, showcasing vibrant colors and fragrances.

  • Birdsong at Dawn: As the day breaks, an opening in silence emerges, filled with the symphony of birds welcoming the new day.

  • Ocean Waves: Each crashing wave creates an opening, a moment of anticipation, where water meets shore.

  • Mornings: an opening in time reveals the glistening jewels of dew on leaves, a transient beauty that reflects the morning light.

  • Butterfly Emergence: From chrysalis to wings unfurled, an opening in transformation, where a once-enclosed world reveals the ethereal flight of butterflies.

  • Each of these openings in nature offers moments of reflection, inspiration, and connection with the beauty and rhythms of the natural world, inviting us to pause.

Nature's boundaries are not stopping points from allowing entrance, rather they are the lines where one change flows into another.:

  • Horizons: Where sky meets land or sea, a boundary that stretches infinite.

  • Riverbanks: Where water meets the earth, a dynamic edge where life flourishes, embracing the interplay of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.

  • Mountain Peaks: At the summit, a boundary is drawn between the earthly realm and the heavens above, where clouds and winds play.

  • Shorelines: The meeting point of land and sea, where waves meet the sand, leaving footprints and tidal pools.

  • Seasonal Changes: The transition of seasons— winter's icy grip, spring's blossoming warmth, summer's vibrant embrace, and autumn's gentle farewell.

  • Flower Petals: A boundary between bud and bloom

  • Tree Canopies: Where roots dive deep into the earth, reaching for sustenance, and branches stretch toward the sky, and leaves feed from the sun.

  • Dawn and Dusk: The boundary between night and day,

  • Caves: A mysterious boundary between the surface world and the hidden depths below.

  • Wind-sculpted Landscapes: In deserts and on cliffs, nature carves boundaries with the wind, shaping arches, canyons, and dunes..

  • Tidal Pools: Along the seashore, where high and low tides meet, miniature worlds are created—temporary havens teeming with life, nestled within the boundaries of the ever-shifting waters.

  • Forest Clearings: Within the dense embrace of trees, clearings form a boundary between shadow and sunlight, where life flourishes in a pocket of openness, inviting new growth and diversity.

  • Icebergs: These colossal floating masses in polar regions stand as boundaries between the frozen expanse and the open sea..

    Each of these natural boundaries holds its own unique charm found in the interactions and intersections within the natural world.

Are you open to new ideas or do you often create boundaries that close you off to a new way of thinking or working? Why?

What boundaries have you created that allow you to be more creative or open in your practice? Why?

I would love to know what you think.

Please Comment Below.

Thank you for being part of my journey.


Using Textures from Nature in Your Artwork


Using Lines from Nature in Your Artwork