Three Strategies for Discovering your Authentic Creative Voice

Where does your Authentic Voice show up for you?

Inspiration can come from many different parts of your life. The external world, Internal heart and mind, or a combination of the two are very powerful voices that can speak to your focus. Where does your Authentic Voice show up for you? Give the following strategies a try and see where you find the most joy.

The external voice: This refers to the physical world, the things that you see. The creative work may be more descriptive or you may have emotional ties to the subject. 

Try the following:

  • Choose one object that you are obsessed with or has a very special meaning.  Capture that object from above, the four sides, and from below.  Zoom into part of the object and focus in on every minute detail.

  • Create your work on location within your favorite landscape.  Note the weather, the colors, the atmosphere, the light, the close up and the distance,

  • Find a living muse. Try to capture the feeling of the form such as the movement or stillness, the heaviness or lightness,  Like an object, capture your muse from above, the four sides, and from below.  Zoom in to one part of the subject that has an interesting detail or transition.

The Internal voice: This refers to the inspiration that comes from one’s own heart and mind and may not have any ties to the physical world at all. The work may include fantasy elements, spiritual, dreamlike, or nonrepresentational elements. Emotional expression may be the main driver of the work.

Try the following:

  • Focus on pure expressionism and intuition.  Allow each element of your creative work to develop as it arises from within.  Choose the elements that feel the strongest to you at that very moment.  There is no judgment allowed.  Just allow the work to emerge.

  • The internal focus does not mean that you can not have an external subject.  Try idealizing or simplifying your subject to the bare essence of what it is. Remove the excess parts that don’t speak to the internal mind and heart. Let the emotional parts speak the loudest.

  • Go to the absurd or fantasy part of your brain.  Let go of all the rules that you have been taught.  Let things fly, or become hybrids, break your subjects down to parts and rearrange the world the way you see fit.  Share your perspective not reality.

When a creative combines the internal and external, the external subject becomes something more. The work may be a representation of the memories of the subject, the emotional response, or just the essence.  Many creatives have a little of both.  It can be just the thing that makes your artwork unique to you.

Try the following:

  • Build your reality on top of an intuitive or dreamlike backdrop.

  • Make the absurd so realistic that the lines between reality and fantasy can not be determined.

  • Represent your subject using unrealistic colors, spontaneous marks, abstraction, or distortion. Make the reality your own

I would love to hear how your voice reveals itself in your work? Post a comment Below

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